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The Barking Truth: Oral Surgical Procedures For Dogs

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When it comes to canine oral health, most pet parents often take for granted the importance of routine checkups and the need for more involved surgeries if necessary. Without proper attention, dental problems can arise that threaten your dog's overall well-being. That's why it pays to know what types of surgeries are available to help your pup stay healthy and happy.

Take a look at a few common oral surgeries for dogs and how they can benefit your pet's dental care.


A gingivectomy is a common oral surgical procedure for dogs that involves the removal of the gum tissue (gingiva) that has become overgrown. This overgrowth can be caused by various factors, including chronic inflammation due to dental plaque and systemic health issues such as hormonal imbalances. The condition can lead to discomfort, difficulty eating, and an increased risk of periodontal diseases.

In the procedure, the veterinarian uses specialized tools to carefully cut away the affected gingival tissue. The goal is to restore the gum line to a more normal and healthy state. This procedure is generally performed under general anesthesia to ensure the comfort and safety of the animal.

Post-surgery, your pet might experience some discomfort, but this can be managed with the help of prescribed pain medications. It is crucial to follow your vet's post-operative instructions carefully, which may include a soft diet and keeping the oral cavity clean. Regular follow-up visits will be necessary to monitor healing and promptly identify potential complications.

Oronasal Fistula Closure

An oronasal fistula is a pathologic communication between the mouth and the nasal cavity, often resulting from the extraction of the upper canine teeth or advanced periodontal disease. This condition can lead to nasal discharge, chronic infection, and discomfort while eating.

Oronasal fistula closure, therefore, is a commonly performed oral surgery in dogs to rectify this issue and restore the dog's comfort and health.

The surgery involves the use of a flap of tissue, usually sourced from inside the mouth, to cover the hole leading to the nasal cavity. The surgeon carefully positions and secures this flap, effectively sealing off the pathway between the mouth and nose. The procedure is performed under general anesthesia, ensuring the dog is comfortable and pain-free.

Post-operatively, you need to prevent any trauma to the surgery site by feeding a soft diet and avoiding chew toys. Your veterinarian may prescribe antibiotics and pain medications to manage pain and prevent infection.

Reach out to a local vet to learn more about pet oral surgery treatment options.
