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4 Tips For Boarding Your Cat For The Holidays

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If you are going out of town during the holidays, you want to make sure that your cat is well taken care of. One option for taking care of your cat when you are out of town is pet boarding. When you board your cat, be sure to take some time picking out where you will send them, make sure it has lots of space, meet the staff and be sure to pack up your cat's favorite items.

#1 Spend Time Picking Out A Boarding Facility

Do not search for a boarding facility at the last minute. Instead, spend time searching around for a boarding facility that you feel would work for your cat. Don't just look up reviews and information online. Actually go down to the facilities and get a tour. Choose a facility that you feel your cat would be comfortable at.

#2 Look for Lots Of Space

When looking for a boarding facility for your cat, choose one that has lots of space. Most boarding facilities have a variety of rooms that they will put your cat into. These rooms will generally house a few cats together. When you inspect the rooms or "condos" at the boarding facility, make sure that they are large and have shelves and toys that your cat can climb on, places where your cat can snuggle up and hide, and room for your cat's bed, toys, and food stations. Also, make sure that the living area is set up so your cat's food is not right next to their litter boxes; most cats don't like to eat next to where they go to the bathroom at.

#3 Meet The Staff

Spend some time meeting the staff who are going to be taking care of your cat. If your cat is slow to warm up to new people, see if you can arrange a drop-by. Bring your cat with you and let your cat meet a few of the staff members. Show your cat that they have nothing to be afraid of, and that the staff members are friendly. This extra bonding time can make your cat's transition to boarding go more smoothly.

#4 Pack Up Your Cat's Stuff

When you send your cat to a boarding facility, you can bring your cat's stuff with them to make the experience more personal and familiar. Get a bag together that contains your cat's favorite food and treats, medicine and their water and food bowl. Get another bag together that contains their bed, favorite toys, and maybe a blanket or clothing item that has the smell of your home on it. This will help make your cat's stay at the boarding facility more comfortable and more of a natural transition. 
